Ancient training: Chinese 8 taboos, after seeing a lifetime


I have to look at you and never get rid of it.

Everything is about a "degree". In the process of doing things for others, we must beware of the following eight situations.


Big joy is lost

When people are happy, they are excited and want to share their inner feelings. They are less cautious in speaking.

Coupled with the "sour grapes" mentality, the mentality of the people around them is actually very subtle. Once you are smug, it is easier to offend people.

Therefore, the mood can be exciting, but the mentality must be calm.


Furious and rude

When people are angry, they are an uncontrolled beast.

Under the turmoil of the mood, it is easy to say nothing, even the fists and feet.

At this time, etiquette is impossible to bind people.

Therefore, once the mood is turbulent, it is better to take a deep breath, leave the place of argument, and then plan again in a few minutes.


Big grief

Once a person is hit hard, he feels sad, and after the hysterical vent, the whole person's temperament will be difficult to see.

So pay attention to the sorrow and change, forget the past, and arrange yourself to find new directions and new motivations.

People, after all, are going to look forward.



Da Leyi oversight

There is no free lunch.

Behind a lot of happiness, there are actually hidden traps.

If you feel that you are greedy and cheap, if you are happy, the ability of people to resolve will decline, and you will be deceived.

So, if one thing makes you "happy", think about it, will it be a trap.


Great thoughts

Too many concerns, too much care, will make you lose your loved ones and loved ones.

In the intimate relationship, the most serious is to care.

You pay a lot, I pay less, once I count, the relationship is ruined.

Give it wholeheartedly, sincerely love, don't let it go.


Drunk and easy to lose

Small drink, love, big drink and hurt.

Drinking more wine, not only hurt the liver and kidney, it is more likely to hurt.

It’s easy to say more when you drink too much. It’s said that you should say that it’s easy to offend a group of people.

Drinking too much is easy to walk. Under alcohol paralysis, people can't control themselves, and behavior is easy to lose.

When people reach middle age, the whole family is young and old, and the health is the most important. Self-cultivation and self-cultivation, and tea with books are the way to prolong the years.


Big words are easy to lose letters

When words are spoken, they must be fruitful.

Speaking and doing things is about honesty.

It’s a fat word.

The more a person likes to open his mouth, the harder it is to trust others.

Not negligible, promised fruit.

Before taking the chest, try to measure your ability.


Big desire is dying

The wages of avarice is death.

There are too many desires, and after all, there is nothing to end.

How many can eat enough?

It is enough to be a person to do things, to do your part, and to be worthy of your own conscience.

Too much desire, not to ask for, is a torment.

Too many desires, unscrupulous means to obtain, to look forward to, can never be free.

The richness of foreign objects cannot nourish the barren heart.

Enriching peace and tranquility is the greatest happiness.